If you’re planning on growth and expansion in 2015, you’re likely planning some sort of technology renovation or project. Whether that’s a companywide workstation refresh, a new server project, changing your network infrastructure or making a move over to the cloud – you want to make sure that you’re setting yourself up for success. Having a project manager that you can trust and count on to get the job done is one of the most important elements to consider when it comes to your projects. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of signs that it’s time for a new IT project manager.
- They are too locked in on the details.
Tech people are tech people. They are detail oriented and are in love with the technology behind the things that they work with. This is a great quality for a technician, and obviously a good project manager has to have some level of technical acumen. The truth is, though, that those details can cause project managers to lose sight of the business strategy and goals by becoming too focused on the tools. Project managers should have a good understanding of what the vision of the business is and how the project will help to enhance that mission. If they are too entrenched in the details of the project, they could miss the mark on delivering exactly what was expected from the project in the first place.
- They haven’t appropriately communicated timelines or potential pitfalls.
New technology is exciting, but let’s face it – not every company has the budget and resources to get it as quickly as they want or in the capacity that they imagine. A good project manager assesses budget, manages resources and communicates with executives exactly what to expect. This helps the company plan for missed delivery dates and deadlines along the way and ensure that everyone gets what they’re expecting once the project is completed.
- They don’t have enough management experience.
Project managers are skilled in handling technicians. They command respect, they’re familiar with the technology that they’re working with, but they give those involved in the project the ability to shine without micromanagement. A project manager should be very understanding, good with people and great at handling adversity.
- Familiarity with technical platforms and industry verticals.
Speaking of experience, it’s important that a good project manager have experience in the resources and types of businesses that they’re doing work for. They have to have a good understanding of how day to day operations work and how they might be impacted by the project. They should have intimate knowledge of the platforms and methods that the company uses in order to most easily implement it. If you’re dealing with a knowledge gap, it might be time to find a new project manager.
Projects can be costly, time consuming and even unpredictable – particularly when they are managed incorrectly. Choose a project manager or managed services provider with experience in your vertical and tools, great communication and management skills, and enough expertise and big-picture focus to get your company to where they want to be.
2015 is a growth year. Make sure that you have the right team on your side.