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Disaster Recovery Services Providers: Creating Your Business Continuity Team

Written by Entech | Jul 9, 2024 7:11:00 PM

When disaster strikes, who can you call? Creating a robust business continuity team to work with your disaster recovery services provider (DRSP) is crucial for ensuring effective response and recovery in the event of disruptions. The team at Entech routinely provides guidance to our client partners on DRSP strategies

Here's how to assemble and empower your business continuity team:

Designate Leadership

Appoint a qualified individual to lead the business continuity team. This person should have expertise in disaster recovery, business continuity planning and crisis management.

Ensure that the team leader has the authority and resources to make critical decisions during an emergency.

Identify Key Stakeholders

Identify key stakeholders from different departments and functional areas within your organization. This may include IT, operations, finance, human resources, legal and customer service.

Engage senior management and executives to ensure their support and involvement in the business continuity planning process.

Define Roles and Responsibilities

Define clear roles and responsibilities for each member of the business continuity team. Assign specific tasks and duties based on the team members’ individual expertise and skill set. Ensure that team members understand their roles and are trained and prepared to fulfill their responsibilities effectively during an emergency.

Establish Communication Channels

Establish communication channels and protocols for coordinating business continuity efforts and disseminating information during an emergency. Ensure that team members have access to communication tools and contact information for key stakeholders, emergency responders and external service providers.

Develop Policies and Procedures

Develop comprehensive policies and procedures for responding to various types of disruptions, including natural disasters, cyberattacks and equipment failures. Document step-by-step procedures for activating the business continuity plan, notifying stakeholders, assessing impacts and implementing recovery measures.

Coordinate with External Partners

Establish partnerships and agreements with external service providers, vendors and suppliers to support business continuity efforts. Coordinate with local emergency responders, government agencies and industry associations to access resources and information during emergencies.

Training and Awareness

Provide training and awareness programs for business continuity team members to ensure they understand their roles and responsibilities. Conduct regular drills and exercises to test the effectiveness of the business continuity plan and familiarize team members with emergency procedures.

Continuous Improvement

Regularly review and update the business continuity plan to reflect changes in technology, operations, regulations and emerging threats. To kick off your annual review process, create a designated meeting. After the initial meetings make sure your team does a series of tabletop exercises. This will work any of the kinks out and ensure the process is smooth in the event of a crisis. When finished, solicit feedback from team members, stakeholders and external partners to identify areas for improvement and implement lessons learned from past incidents.

By assembling a dedicated business continuity team and empowering them with the necessary resources, training and support, you can work with your disaster recovery services provider to enhance readiness and resilience in the face of disruptions, ensure the continuity of operations and allow for timely recovery of critical services. 

Reach out to the team at Entech if you need assistance with a DSRP. At Entech, we believe technology needs a personal touch — after all, it's made for humans, by humans. We ensure that every solution we create is infused with empathy, understanding and a genuine desire to enhance the human experience.