As businesses start to reopen in Florida, owners will face new challenges as to what to expect as the “new normal”. There are new guidelines and precautions to take when moving back to your office space. Reforming your business is important to make sure your staff feels safe and comfortable while working. It is also important to create a safe barrier for your clients.
Here are some of the tips to take into consideration.
Healthy Worker Policies should be in place. This document should be presented to existing staff and be given to new employees during their onboarding process. The policies should consist of:
These policies need to be implemented to reinforce transparency with your staff and clients. This will also make staff members aware that during this time, it is important to openly communicate with your manager if you are sick or not feeling well. The health of your staff should be top priority.
Reconfiguring your office space to physically distance employees is essential to reopening your office. You can rotate the desk space to where people can sit back-to-back versus face-to-face. There should be no more than 10 people in enclosed spaces. Remove chairs that are too close together. Remember the 6 feet rule should be applied everywhere.
When in the office, follow the “hula-hoop” rule. People should be far enough apart to where their hula-hoops don’t touch. Consider implementing sneeze screens to prevent spreading germs throughout the office.
It’s important to keep in mind the health of your employees and clients at all times. When visiting the client site, your employees should be required to wear masks and try to stand 6 feet apart from one another to the best of their abilities.
Have a professional cleaning service come in before your staff returns to the office. Always have cleaning supplies handy for employees to use if needed. Desks need to be kept clean and neat. This will avoid the nooks and crannies of germ build-up.
Computer keyboards can be the dirtiest surfaces we touch every day. It is important to wipe down your computer, mouse and desk space. People touch their cellphones almost 3 thousand times a day. Hand washing needs to be a frequent habit, and it’s a good idea to have signs to remind people around the office.
Please reach out to your Client Success Manager if you have any questions. If you are interested in hearing more about Entech and what we offer, please contact us today!